How to make Candy at Home (INFOGRAPHICS)

We at Insight India constantly strive to educate our audiences about nuances of traveling in India. This time we have thought of something gourmet.

How about preparing candy at home? Yes! with this info-graphic, candy making at home was never easier.

When most people think of candy, they think of the pre-packaged goods they get at the grocery store or the carefully prepared confections that come from fine candy makers with storefronts and specialty products.

However, making your own candy is a cost-effective way to prepare treats for you and your family, and homemade candy also makes a great gift.

Perhaps more important than the actual candy itself, preparing your own candy can be a fun, rewarding experience if you like to cook or bake.

This infographic on how to prepare candies at home can help you prepare a variety of different candy treats from peppermint bark to gum drops to classic peanut brittle.

The infographic even provides general timetables which can be helpful if you only have a short window to make your own candy.

How to make Candy at Home
How to prepare Candy at Home (INFOGRAPHICS)
This infographic is provided by Candy Concepts Inc.

Preparing your own candy can also be a fun activity for children since making your own candy doesn�t require any special skills � other than a desire to learn and a little bit of focus.

In fact, older children can likely make candy on their own for friends and family with a little bit of supervision from their parents. It�s also an ideal activity for spending a little quality time indoors with your children, and it�s the perfect rainy winter day activity.

Do let us know if you liked the recipe or not through comment.

If you are a foodie, you may also check out  a guide to street food in Delhi.


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